Central Michigan District Health Department

Central Michigan District Health Department
Our Mission: To promote health and physical well-being by providing preventive health care, education, and environmental safety to all members of our community.
Our Vision: To become recognized by the public as the local advocate in promoting, assessing and safeguarding public health and the environment.
Proudly serving Arenac, Clare, Gladwin, Isabella, Osceola, and Roscommon Counties.
We offer the following programs:
Community Health
Breast and cervical control navigation program for 40-64 year old women & Well Woman program
Family planning services, including annual exams, birth control methods, & abstinence education
Hearing and vision screenings for preschool and school-aged children
Hepatitis C testing and treatment
HIV testing, counseling, case management and treatment
HIV and syphilis partner services
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
STI testing, counseling and treatment
Syringe service program
Emergency Preparedness
Educate local communities
Collaborate with partners in prevention, response and recovery during emergencies
Environmental Health
Bathing beach & swimming pool water quality testing
Body art facility, campground, licensed DHS/adult care facility, and restaurant inspections
Drinking water permits, investigations, testing, & analysis
On-site sewage permits, evaluations and investigations
Certified food manager and safe food worker training program
Subdivision and site condo development program
Personal & Family Health
Children's Special Health Care Services - health insurance for eligible medical conditions
Communicable disease and TB control
Community-based immunization education for medical providers
Flu shots and other worksite immunizations
Immunizations for all ages
Infant and child home visiting program for at-risk families
Insurance applications - MI Child, Healthy Kids and Healthy Michigan
Lead testing for children with Medicaid
Maternal and infant support services for infants and pregnant women with Medicaid
Peer counseling - breastfeeding support
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) - supplemental food and nutrition education program