Central Michigan District Health Department

Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BC3NP)
Community Health
Are you putting off Cancer Screenings because of the cost? WE CAN HELP!
Whether uninsured or underinsured, the Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BC3NP) will help women receive the screening services they need.
BC3NP can arrange for program-eligible women to receive breast and cervical cancer screenings, follow-up care for an abnormal test result, and treatment – if breast or cervical cancer is diagnosed.
You may be eligible for free or low-cost screenings if you meet these qualifications:
No insurance or insurance that does not cover follow-up exams
Yearly income at or below 250% federal poverty guidelines
For More Information Contact BC3NP:
Email: BC3NP@michigan.gov
Phone: 844-I-GOT-SCR (844-446-8727)
Or please call or visit your local CMDHD Branch office:
Arenac County: 989-846-6541 x1316
Clare County: 989-539-6731 x1216
Gladwin County: 989-426-9431 x1316
Isabella County: 989-773-5921 x1406
Osceola County: 231-832-5532 x1216
Roscommon County: 989-366-9166 x1316
Age 21-64
Cervical cancer screening (Pap/HPV test) and follow-up procedures (colposcopy, biopsy, etc.)
Age 21-39
Breast diagnostic procedures due to a breast lump or other abnormal breast finding (ultrasound, MRI, biopsy, etc.)
Age 40-64
Breast cancer screening (mammogram) and follow-up procedures (ultrasound, biopsy, etc.)
Cancer treatment is not provided through the program, but women diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer may be eligible for a special Medicaid program through BC3NP.