Central Michigan District Health Department

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
2023-2024 Flu Information
General Information
Public Health Information
Biosecurity for dairy and beef cattle farms
Phone and Text Hotlines
988 Lifeline: Call or text 988 for immediate 24/7 support. Visit https://988lifeline.org/ for chat support or more information.
Farm Aid Hotline: 1-800-327-6243 Mon-Friday 9am-9pm ET
Stress Management Resources
MSU Extension: Managing Farm Stress: Offers telehealth services to Michigan farmers, educational presentations, potential financial resources, and other stress management resources. Also included is the free virtual training Rural Resilience.
Man Therapy: ManTherapy.org is a free, online wellness resource for men and their loved ones to go and access all things related to men's mental health and well-being.
State of Michigan Labor and Economic Opportunity: Mental Health in the Workplace: The State of Michigan offers free workplace related mental health webinars with a list of past video recordings.
Stress & Mental Health | Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies (michfb.com): Includes stress management information and free peer to peer online support.
Food Safety