Central Michigan District Health Department

Provider Communicable Disease Reporting
Provider Communicable Disease Reporting
What to report?
Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Vaccine-Preventable Disease Investigation Guidelines - (MDHHS)
To report a communicable disease, please include the following information:
The name of the person
Pertinent contact information for the patient, including the address, phone number
The disease
The name of the person making the report
Medical Provider Reporting
Please fill out the below form and fax the information to the appropriate county office
2025 Healthcare Professional's Guide to Disease Reporting in Michigan (MDHHS Brick Book)
Mandatory Reporting Communicable Disease Form for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
If you are a Medical Provider, Infection Control Practitioner, or Laboratory and wish to report a communicable disease please call (989) 773-5921, please press 5 for Communicable Disease.
Brochures and Other Information